Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Brain Buster Time

why Gordon Brown (you should know who is this guy) likes jogging in the evening and not in the morning???

(read from right to left)

AM not (minister prime) PM is brown gordon because


lad said...

Komen untuk blog,bukan untuk posting:Blog ni makin canggih aku tengok!hehe


Pena Biru said...

hahaha, biasala shahneel. berhari-hari gak aku explore benda2 yg dpt mencanggihkn blog aku nih. apepun, time kasih for ur comment. exam dah abis?

Anonymous said...

nak tahu saye tak kenal siape orang yang awak sebutkan tu..well..syabas..seronok baca blog awak...

Pena Biru said...

gordon brown tu perdana menteri baru britain. yg gantikan tony blair, trima kasih maryam for ur compliment =)