I have been asked by one of my blog's reader regarding my previous post. It was about people who said that all history explanations are no longer relevant as nowadays, majority of the non-bumi like chinese, indian etc are born in Malaysia, hence there shouldnt be any double standard among the races.
Pena Biru said...
History is no longer relevant because they were born here? They must remember that their great grandparents got Malaysia citizenship because of the history. Without the citizenship of their grandparents, they will NEVER become a Malaysian EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE BORN HERE.
Let me give another example. Do we give Malaysia citizenship to PATI's (pendatang asing tanpa izin) children who were BORN HERE? Of course the answer is NO. because their parents are not Malaysian and carries other citizenship ie Indonesia. The same goes with chinese and indians in Malaysia. They will never become a Malaysian if their grandparents did not get the citizenship.
So, there are lots of other BIG factors other than place of birth that we need to consider in this case. Besides, place of birth may means nothing if it not backed up with history, documents etc.
So, if they said history are no longer relevant, it also means they have deny their own citizenship.
History is always important.
definitely right.
kalau tiada yg lupakan sejarah, maka tiadalah yg cuba mencabar hak istimewa yg sudah tercatat dlm perlembagaan. they are called citizen, because their parents are citizens. their parents are citizens because their grandparents are citizens. their grandparents r citizens because their great grandparents are citizens. and who give the citizenship to their great granparents? and what they had agreed to get the citizenship?
sejarah menunjukkan dimana bermulanya segalanya, seperti akar yg memulakan kehidupan sebuah pokok. pokoknya, sejarah memberitahu tentang asal kita, dan perlu menjadi satu sumberyg dgunakn bagi menilai tindakan kita pada masa sekarang.. u agree with me mr pena biru?
tapi, bagaimana pula dgn mereka yg menyentuh tentang terlalu banyak peluang kpd org melayu dlm bidang ekonomi, sdgkn terbukti ada bangsa lain yg lebih hebat strateginya dalam perniagaan?
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